英文绘本 |《Down By The Station》
《Down By The Station》。许多英语老师一定非常熟悉它,因为这首大名鼎鼎的童谣出现在许多英语教材中。这是很有律动的一首歌曲,巧妙地将火车、公交车、拖拉机,出租车,大货车和消防车等交通工具的设计成朗朗上口的童谣。还能让孩子掌握不同交通工具的拟声词了,是一部容易与生活结合的有声绘本。
Down by the station, Early in the morning.See the little puffer trains, All in a row.See the engine driver, Pull the little handle;CHUFF! CHUFF! CHUFF!And off we go!
Down by the station, Early in the morning.See the busy buses,All in a row.See the bus driver Calling to the passengers;BRRM! BRRM! BRRM!And off we go!
Down by the station,Early in the morning,See the muddy tractors,All in a row.See the tractor driver,Loading up the trailer;CHUG! CHUG!CHUG!And off we go!
Down by the station,Early in the morning,See the shiny taxi cabs,All in a row.See the taxi driver Polishing the windows;BEEP! BEEP!BEEP!And off we go!
Down by the station,Early in the morning,See the great big trucks,All in a row.See the truck driver,Loading up the parcels;HONK! HONK! HONK!And off we go!
Down by the station,Early in the morning,See the fire engines,All in a row.See the fire fighter,Climbing up the ladder;NEE NOR!NEE NOR!And off we go!
《Down By The Station》描述了清晨火车站前事物的变化,每一个细小的变化都通过右侧页面里的洞洞表现出来,书中出现的车辆有:火车、公交车、拖拉机、出租车、货车、消防车等,内容有趣,细节众多,文字押韵易学。
书 评
《Down By The Station》结合音频一起边唱边看,对比前后页的不同;带着孩子观察细节,如各种车辆,打扫卫生的人,提着行李赶车的人,遛狗的人,远处草地上的牛羊等等。
每翻一页,根据歌词文字提示就可以透过洞洞设计发现前后不同的地方;歌词下面的小插图是跟该页歌词场景有关的,比如提到truck driver时,下面就单独画了truck driver在吃早餐的情境。